There's a lot of answers to this question that are valid, but the main ones are that gender taxes are bullshit and that needlessly gendering things alienates folks who fall outside of the perceived norm.
All services are priced by body part - with time, product usage, and expertise needed taken into account. Easy peasy!
Let's break it down!
If you have a vulva:
Classic Bikini: Anything that would be visible while wearing a pair of classic bikini cut underwear is removed up to 3 inches from the thigh crease and a little off the top.
Deep Bikini: Anything that would escape a pair of thong underwear is removed. That means deeper in on the sides, more off the top, and from between the cheeks. Think tight and tidy.
Brazilian Bikini: All the hair off the labia and from between the cheeks. Can be totally bare on the pubic bone or leave a strip or triangle - all of these options qualify as Brazilian.
If you have a scrotum:
Ballzilian: Everything gone from the pubic bone, thigh crease, balls, shaft of the penis, and between the cheeks.
BB Brazil: Hair is left natural on the pubic bone but removed from the shaft, balls, thigh crease, and between the cheeks.
Hard wax is mainly used on the most sensitive areas. These can include the face, underarms, vulva, labia, between the cheeks, and scrotum. Strip wax is mainly used on larger surface areas with less delicate skin such as arms, legs, and backs.
If you’ve never experienced hard wax before prepare to be a convert! Applied at a lower temperature than strip wax, it shrinks around the hair as it cools without sticking to the skin like strip, providing a far more comfortable treatment that's better for the health of sensitive skin / areas.
Bonus: the “recovery time” post wax is also reduced, letting you get back to business sooner.
Being well rested, well hydrated, and staying away from that tempting extra cup of coffee can help mitigate a lot of the discomfort of waxing.
If you're super sensitive or just extra worried try taking an Advil 45 minutes before your appointment to give you a little extra pain fighting edge.
Whether you're a regular shaver and want to convert to waxing or just had a hair emergency and had to hit the razor, I strongly recommend waiting 3 weeks for the hair to grow out evenly before coming in. Why? Because the hair needs to be about 1/4 inch (think the length of a grain of rice) for the wax to grab it properly. It's tough, I get it, but this will ensure you have the smoothest results from your appointment.
If you've recently shaved please understand that we can't guarantee the results will be picture perfect.
Absolutely! Just make sure you have a tampon or a cup in and we're good to go!
Many people find that they're more sensitive up to a week before menstruation or even during, but this can vary. If you're concerned just pop an Advil about 45 minutes before your appointment to take the edge off.
It's nice to warn your waxer that you're on your cycle so we can watch out for your string, but please don't apologize - periods aren't something to be embarrassed over and we're professionals who have seen it all before.
Come see us at our beautiful new location
2482 East Hastings Street
*inside East Vanity Parlour